Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers.
Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers.
Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
Get Preserving Democracy in audio format from Books-a-Million, one of many retailers that carry it.
Preserving Democracy We didn’t post this yesterday as it was both Sunday and the 4th of July when attention is and should be elsewhere, but Preserving Democracy’s new, expanded paperback edition was released on time. It became available on and B&N on July 3, and is available also for direct order from Energion Direct….
The expanded Preserving Democracy is now available for the Kindle. This new edition includes all material added to the expanded paperback edition, and is available for only $7.99.