Preserving Democracy Audio Book Now Available
Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers. Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers. Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
In chapter 3 of Preserving Democracy, Elgin Hushbeck notes: A key aspect of any democratic government is freedom. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “It is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all.”i He also said, “The equal rights of man and the happiness of every individual are now acknowledged to be the…
The expanded Preserving Democracy is now available for the Kindle. This new edition includes all material added to the expanded paperback edition, and is available for only $7.99.
He tells colleagues to consider the golden rule. In what way does the golden rule apply here? Is it in being nice to Elena Kagan or is it in doing unto the voters. While confirmation isn’t directly a topic of Preserving Democracy, the issue of the power of the judiciary is. Senators should carefully consider…
In Chapter 4, The Rule of Law, Elgin Hushbeck discussed Proposition 8 in California regarding gay marriage. The issue in that chapter is not the validity of gay marriage as such, but rather the proper way of changing existing law. Should it be done by the courts or through normal legislative processes. In an update…
Alan Knox reviews Preserving Democracy.
Preserving Democracy is an excellent survey of the American political system and what has gone wrong. It is not a book that gives you a thorough in-depth view of any particular study and I wouldn’t say I came across anything new, but it still was an engaging read and is a book I would recommend…
Joel L. Watts has begun his review of Preserving Democracy, working through the introduction and chapters 1 & 2. Please join the discussion on his blog.
The article What’s Attorney General Holder Hiding? relates to two chapters in Preserving Democracy, 4 – The Rule of Law and 6 – The Breakdown of Voting. In fact, it ties in with other chapters as well, dealing with the media especially. This is a troubling situation. As Elgin notes at the conclusion of chapter…
We’ve added Northwoods Patriots to our blogroll, and thank them for posting the announcement of the release of the paperback edition of Preserving Democracy.